Monday, June 30, 2014

System Trouble

Why is it when things don’t go our way we often think someone is out to get us?

More times than not, I believe most of us want to do the right thing.  We don’t want to break the law. However, sometimes abiding by the rules can be complicated.

A few weeks ago, an alarm sounded without cause when I tried to enter a building at work.  Despite all my efforts I couldn’t turn off the annoying noise. Then a message came onto the screen of the alarm that read: SYSTEM TROUBLE.  Fortunately, I was only inconvenienced and got into the building through another door.  Aptly put, however, system trouble is another way to describe situations when things aren’t going our way.

For example, while still an exterminator years ago, there was a day I was running behind and thought I would take a short cut. That shortcut cost me a hefty fine.  While in my bug truck, which was stick shift, I was driving up a hill and did a California stop.  One where you come to almost a stop but keep moving so you don’t have to use your clutch as much.

However, there was a cop sitting there and I got busted.  He waved me over to a spot behind three or four other offenders, so he could write me a ticket.  As I sat in my bug tuck the officer kept apologizing knowing the ticket would put me behind schedule.  It left me feeling frustrated and a bit jaded toward authority.

Recently, I got another citation for unintentionally parking somewhere an authority figure felt was illegal.  The only reason I was even in the town was to help someone else out, which just added to my irritation level.  My hope was  the young officer who ticketed me would show a little  mercy, nevertheless there was none in his ink.  Definitely some system trouble, no need to get a little guy like me.

Needless to the say, I was wrong. When I truly think about system trouble, I think I am my own worst enemy.  For example, the other day I couldn’t find one of my favorite pens and wasted nearly half an hour trying to find it.  Dumb me.  In that case, system trouble began with my poor mindset

What I discovered that day was when I deem it worthy I don’t mind wasting time.  However, when someone or something cost me time or money it often infuriates me.  Then on top of it, I often waste time complaining about it and let it rule my thoughts.  A friend once said if we got a ticket every time we drove illegally, we’d all be broke.  He was right.

 As long as there are humans there will always be some kind of SYSTEM TROUBLE


Friday, June 20, 2014

Destructive Appetite

Termites can be a homeowner’s worst nemesis, just like bitterness is the arch enemy of a broken heart. 

It has been my experience in life that we tend to ignore things that could be harmful, until we notice the damage. This is most definitely the case with termites that eat away at the foundation of a house costing the homeowner his peace of mind and quite a bit of money.  Bitterness also can cause significant damage as it eats away at your soul, often causing anger and irreparable harm to others and self.  Both are curable if treated in time.

For example, since I used to be a termite technician, over the years I’ve been in over a hundred basements.  During that tenure, I’ve seen where termites and their destructive appetites have eaten over half of the house’s foundation.  I’ve also seen when they were just in the beginning stages and when a mud tube was found.  In these cases, the termites didn’t surface again because the exterminator heavily treated the area with industrial strength termiticide.  With close scrutiny they are manageable, however if you ignore the warning signs they can do serious damage.

 Here are a few tips to alert you about termites:

- During the spring or early summer, be on the lookout for what appears to be flying insects in your doorway or basement, which swarm and then suddenly die.  Examine a few closely and see if they look like a cigar with wings.  A cigar with wings is a termite swarmer, if it has a pinched a waist it’s an ant swarmer.  If they are a termite swarmer you should call an exterminator for an inspection.  

- From time to time, when in the basement, check if there are any exposed beams and look for mud like tubes.  If so, be sure not to ignore it.  Take action by calling a professional for a inspection so he can  discover if there are live termites still active  in that tube. 

-If you buy or have bought a house which has been treated for termites you need to do some research.  Call or talk to the previous owner and get the run down on any paper work he might have as proof of past termite activity.   Houses with treated termite damage will sell as long as you are honest to the buyer about it.

So, as to give you clarity regarding our friend the termite, here’s a little pest anatomy. Termite workers are the class of termite that eats wood, are milky white, blind, and hate the light. Termites have a keen sense of smell, excellent hearing and stay underground as they spend their time finding wood to take back to the colony.  It takes a while for them to do significant damage to a structure, but once you have them in your structure you need to evict them and then take preventive measures to keep them out. 

Which brings me back to this: Bitterness is like a colony of termites.  At first, it bothers us and we wish we didn’t feel that way.  But, after a while we drop our guard and it begins to attack our foundation and steal our joy.  When someone becomes bitter often they become despondent or just plain mean.  Which often results in losing touch with those we love and makes it nearly impossible for their broken hearts to mend correctly.

This is too bad because the people who care about you are the ones who can help point out bitterness and help you eradicate it.  By all means don’t lock all the doors of your house and keep everyone out. 

To eliminate a destructive appetite you need to stop being bitter and invest in getting better.  




Monday, June 9, 2014

Nodding Off

Make up your mind to do something and then do it.
The term nodding off is a common one.  However, it is something that till just the other day I have never really been able to define.  My definition of nodding off is when you dip your head in agreement with someone else during a moment of urgency.
Here is my list of six regarding the term nodding off:
1 Just the other day, I was at my middle daughter’s sixth grade graduation when I saw something very relevant.  As the kids came into the auditorium from the hall they were coming in by twos   as they walked toward the center aisle.   Then they paused, then nodded to each other in agreement and then proceeded down the aisle together.  It was like ushers in a wedding, using a silent mechanism to get in sync.
2 Another example is when you come to a four way stop sign and both vehicles get there simultaneously.  It’s that terse moment when both drivers look at each other and then one gestures or nods their head, giving the other the right of way. Nothing spoken, much accomplished, consideration expended.
3 The negative connotation of nodding off is the one I do just about every night around 9 pm, while trying to watch TV with my wife. Although annoying, I believe it is the result of waking up early in the morning to go to work. Some nights, instead of falling asleep, I just go to bed.  In my mind though, I will try to fight nodding off just so I can be next to my wife.
4 My favorite personal example of nodding off is from when I used to play flag football with my friends.  When I used to play receiver I could just look and nod at my brother-in –law, Ed, who was the quarterback, and he knew I would get open for him. It was unsaid, but quite effective.  On one given day, the two of us used this to perfection to whoop our teenage sons in a game of two on two football.   Peyton Manning, who plays for the Denver Broncos, does something similar to nodding off when he yells OMAHA to call a play and then waves his arms around like he’s playing charades.
5 Parenting in many ways is a great illustration of nodding off.  When my wife and I are out with the kids in public sometimes there is no time to be verbal. A quick hand signal can alert the other spouse to leap into action.  Gestures and non-verbal skills can often be imperative between parents to keep things running smoothly.  Inmates can never run the asylum. 
6 Last but not least, there is the nod to God.  To me it’s pretty simple as I seek to follow Him. At times, God asks me to do something that according to human reasoning seems crazy.   God can do anything He wants, although often He requests us to nod in agreement before He performs whatever miraculous task that is at hand.  Simply stated this is called faith.
Nodding off is the first step in ultimately succeeding at what you set out to do.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Breathing Happiness

Happiness is a choice.

Kids say the darnedest things. Just a week or so ago my dentist was relaying a story to me, while fitting me for a crown.  During the procedure I was asked if I wanted anesthesia and when I declined it triggered her memory.  She said there was once a little girl patient she administered laughing gas to and described it like this: breathing happiness. That got me to thinking.

This past weekend, my family and I spontaneously decided to go to an amusement park.  As I observed people throughout the day, I noticed many folks who looked worn out, like life had gotten the best of them. The way they held themselves and the looks on their faces all seemed to scream that they were just trying to get by and make it through the day. I could sympathize since I knew the symptoms, because I once was like them.

Many years ago, I doubted I would ever be truly happy again. I was in the midst of a personal crisis and nothing seemed good at the time. Unfortunately I focused on the bad and was living a lot like Eeyore. My problem was that in response to tragedy I thought I needed to live life soberly. 

Living happily doesn’t mean you aren’t struggling, it just means you are not allowing it to run your life.  You fall down, brush yourself off, and get back up. No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer all the time. Adversity will change you, but make it be for the better.

Sometimes, when I get into a funk I try to name as many things as I can that made me happy recently. Here is some happiness I breathed in during the past week:

1- Kissing my wife. 2- Spending time with my kids. 3- Enjoying an amusement park with family. 4- Still having a job. 5- Reading baseball box scores. 6- Knowing both my vehicles are working. 7- Blogging once a week. 8- Receiving a new Starbucks mug from a friend. 9-Drinking coffee from said mug. 10- Eating Planters’ peanuts my wife got me. 11-Knowing God loves me despite me. 12-Hearing the birds sing in the morning. 13-Doing research for  fantasy football 14- Having pants that fit 15- Spending time in my nothing box

Why waste today, instead breathe in the happiness.
