Monday, July 12, 2010

Wild Geese

Have you ever found yourself complaining about someone else and wondered, “What in the world are they thinking?” With that thought in mind, have you ever wished more people thought like you? Careful for what you wish for.

Several winters ago, I was staying at a prestigious hotel in Colorado when I learned a valuable lesson. As I was walking the grounds, I was captivated by the beauty that surrounded me. Above me were brilliant greens, blues, beiges, and dabs of white majestically blended against the jagged mountain peaks. Off in the distance, was an old style church with its steeple reaching skyward like a schoolboy posing a question. While directly below me, was a partially frozen pond adding to the tranquil setting. To enhance the moment, I could hear a locomotive’s whistle in the distance. It was spectacular, as if God had painted this landscape just for me.

Then suddenly out of nowhere I caught a glimpse of wild geese as they landed on the icy pond. They honked and swam irreverently as they ruined my picturesque setting. The geese seemed so out of place. It was like someone had just spilled a bucket of red paint on a masterpiece. I left feeling a bit agitated.

In hindsight, the geese helped me to realize that I can be seen as annoying as these birds who ruined my perfect landscape. Furthermore, I am grateful God chose to paint me onto his canvas despite my shortcomings. Perhaps because of this lesson I will be more gracious to others despite theirs.

"Be grateful; the other choices are not nearly as pleasant."


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