Wednesday, April 6, 2011

White Out

Apparently, there is something wrong with me because yesterday I saw a chance of snow on the weather forecast and it caused me to sigh. Whenever I see snow, I want to say I enjoy it, but instead I find it rather a nuisance.

When I was a kid, I used to love the stuff and the benefits it would bring, such as snow days. I lived for the moment; you know the one, when the radio announcer would call out your school’s name so you could have the day off. Few feelings can compete with the moment of elation a snow day brings, if, just for a moment.

Unfortunately, I no longer feel the same love for snow, but rather a disdain for it. I believe it stems from the fact that now it causes me the work of shoveling it, to be precise, a whole 100 foot worth of driveway and then some. Not to mention after the shoveling, the accompanying pain in my back, shoulders, and other parts of my body that hurt. Then, there is the hazard of driving in it. No offense to my fellow human being, but snow tends to bring out the idiots, me, being one of them at times.

Perhaps, my dislike started years ago when I was about nineteen, and just learning to drive. There was an inch of slush on the road and my dad offered to take me and my girlfriend to Burger King, but I blew him off. I was a grown-up and could do it myself. An hour later, I wasn’t feeling so grown-up when I panicked, and locked up the brakes of my 1975 Dodge Dart slidding off the road into some brush. To make matters worse, a complete stranger offered to pull me out with his pick-up truck, but couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t tear off my bumper. And if that wasn’t enough, when my girlfriend and her sisters found out about my dilemma, they couldn’t stop laughing. I can still here it now, “you did what?!”

Maybe snow isn’t the problem here at all, maybe I am. Snow, in its basic form is harmless and almost mystical, as it falls majestically from the sky. Since I can’t get rid of it, I’ll just have to learn to deal. Perhaps, the greatest lesson I believe we all can learn from snow is this: if you can’t control it, at least you can make snow men out of it.

“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.”  ~ Carl Reiner


1 comment:

Lori said...

Really Aaron?! I find that someone would laugh at you for something like that very rude. You wife's sisters were probably just trying to make you feel better. I do agree with you on the snow thing and the idiots........