Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Pandemonium is the best way to describe what I witnessed on October 25th, 2012, as I hunkered down to watch Game One of the World Series. Pablo Sandoval, third baseman of the San Francisco Giants, aka Big Fat Panda, accomplished such a rare feat that only three men before him in baseball history have ever done it. What he did was shock the baseball world by hitting three homeruns in a single game of the World Series.

As I watched his accomplishment unfold, it caused me to think of my ten year daughter, Sianna, who was fast asleep. You see, several years ago, when I was in a fantasy baseball league my daughter and I co-managed a team called, you guessed it, the BIG FAT PANDAS. My daughter loves pandas and her only real mandate was that we draft Pablo Sandoval. So, we did. Ever since, when I see Sandoval playing baseball I think of my daughter, proud owner of over twenty five stuffed pandas and who at one time had dreams of growing up to rescue pandas in their habitat.
So, in honor of Pablo’s big night, my love for my daughter and her affection for pandas everywhere, I would like to share my list of 7 life lessons I learned from the movie, KUNG FU PANDA.
Word of caution: If you are not familiar with the movie, KUNG FU PANDA, please feel free to rent it at your convenience. Seeing what I am about to share with you will make less sense if you are unfamiliar with the material.
1-Climb the stairs- It’s a pretty simple concept actually, but not terribly easy to do. Over and over again in the movie, Po, is seen climbing up steps and sometimes even falling down them. Yet, time and time again he climbs them till he reaches the top. It’s hard to do what pains us, what makes us short of breath and even harder to convince yourself that this is the best alternative. Climbing hurts, but although it hurts, to get to the top you must persevere. In more cases than not, we wouldn’t truly appreciate our final destination, if we didn’t have to work so hard to get there.
2- Believe when no one else does-  Cooking and eating seemed to be more Po’s thing, than saving the village from bad guys. However, if he had not climbed the stairs during a pivotal point in the movie, he wouldn’t have been in the position to be chosen as the coveted dragon warrior. He could have easily given up his dreams of being a hero and just stayed content making noodles and no one who would have blamed him.
3- Strength is weakness- “I am THE Big Fat Panda”. This is my favorite line from the movie. The bad guy, Tai Lung the leopard, is fighting Po and can’t believe that he can’t knock the overweight panda out. In frustration he tries to punch the fluffy panda over and over again with no success. Finally, in one last act of desperation, Tai Lung jabs at Po and this time the hero grab’s the villain’s paw. The leopard responds by saying, “but you’re just a big fat panda, you can’t beat me,” to which Po says, No, I’m The Big Fat Panda, and then proceeds to……. well I won’t give the ending away, at least not yet.
4-Be kind to bunnies- This is another basic idea we should all employ on a daily basis, that is often easier said than done. During the movie, on more than one occasion, Po is kind to bunnies. He treats them nicely and protects them from their enemies; just one big fluffy creature watching out for another, smaller fuzzier one. It just makes sense to me, better to be kind than to be mean.
5-Use the death grip-  Sometimes in life when we are faced with difficulty we buckle down and give it all we got to get through. Call it the Wushi finger hold , like in the movie, or getting good grades at school or standing up and being a responsible adult. Regardless the verbiage, sometimes you just got to do what you got to do, like Po did in the end of the movie. **** Caution spoiler here**** Remember, earlier when I referred to the part in the movie when the leopard punched Po. Shortly afterward Po obliterated the bad guy when he employed the Wushi finger hold on him and saves the entire village.
6-Be who you are- Pandas are simply black and white. They don’t know they are nearly  extinct and it probably never even crossed their feeble minds. Not unlike panda bears, God made us precisely who we are for a certain purpose and provided us with certain skills to accomplish that with it. In the movie, Po never really changes who he is intrinsically, he just learns to be the best panda bear he can be.
7-Learn to respond well to the negative- More times than not people who make fun are doing it to bring you to their level. Po didn’t let the other Kung Fu warriors who had more experience get him down. At first he did, but eventually even though he was unorthodox he just kept pushing through and in the end he rescued them. How you react when people laugh at you or make fun of you is a true reflection of your real character.
Case in point, Sianna gave some excellent advice to a friend the other night when her friend sought counsel on what to do when people picked on her. Ignore rude comments, change your appearance to a point as to not draw attention, keep moving.
In summary, what Pablo Sandoval, my daughter and Kung Fu Panda have taught me most is to create your own pandemonium, always be kind and when necessary use force.




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