Friday, September 27, 2013

Extraordinarily Powerful

Why not trust a God whose resume includes created the world in six days.

Just the other day my daughter and I had an interesting conversation. We were discussing how to describe the flavor of a red water ice that we had just both tasted.  My description was lame and forgettable.  However, Sianna, my eleven year old daughter, simply described it as extraordinarily powerful.  She was exactly right.

That got me thinking about other things in life that are extraordinarily powerful and the color red came to mind.  It so happens to be Sianna’s favorite color. The following are three thoughts in reference to the color red starting with mildly important and ending with extraordinarily powerful.  Here goes. 

1-Mildly important thoughts regarding the color red: 12 things I associate with the color red:

--Ketchup                                                        -China
-Fire extinguishers                                           -Santa’s suit
-EXIT signs                                                     -Stop light
-Stop signs                                                      - Jesus’ blood
-Correcting pen                                               -Valentines’ Day
- Hawaain Punch                                             - Coca Cola        
I didn’t even mention the phrases caught red handed, red alert or seeing red or that the Chinese consider the color lucky. However, I believe the most important thing about the color red is that it signifies you mean business. 

2- Fairly important thoughts regarding the color red:

During the time my family and I were in the process of adopting our youngest daughter, Lia,  I had a ritual.  Every day I carried a red marker in one of my pockets. It was a reminder to pray every time I felt it with my fingers for Lia.  Red to me at the time signified a bold faith and also that Lia was from China. Also, it was a permanent maker and it reminded me that there was  turning back from getting Lia.  Whether we got her not, we had to remain faithful.  

Now, don’t get me wrong it wasn’t a good luck charm.  The red marker was just a reminder that my faith was in God and not in myself.  If Lia was going to be a Swavely it would entirely be up to God.  My family and I were just along for the ride.  And what a ride it was, but that’s another story for another time.

3- Extraordinarily Powerful thought regarding the color red:

Here’s a challenge for you, sometime when you have the time, just read the red words in the four gospels of the Bible (Matthew through John).  If you do you‘ll notice the message: Jesus loves you.  You’ll also notice the red words signify that Jesus means what he says.  Either you are in or out with Him, no in between.
On a side note throughout the gospels you will see this reoccurring theme: 

1-He performed miracles. 2- He healed the sick. 3- He cast out demons 4- Then people tried to kill him. Jesus went through temporary hell so we might have the opportunity to live with Him in Heaven permanently.  In the adoption community we commonly refer to this as a forever family.

Now back to the red words.  There was a time in my life where my faith was wavering a bit.  I was far from feeling extraordinarily powerful, but rather the opposite.  I was frustrated and afraid of what lie ahead in my life.  My feelings were the problem.  To make a long story short I was feeling deeply depressed and couldn’t pull out.  For far too long I was looking for a pat on the back from Jesus, when instead what I needed was the truth.  

Thankfully my wife and many other people kept encouraging me and one day I happened upon this passage: Matthew14: 25 – 32 (NLT). Here is my paraphrased version.

The disciples were out fishing one night in the middle of a stormy sea, when they saw what appeared to be a ghost coming at them.  Of course, they were scared out of their minds.  Strange as it may sound, actually it was just Jesus walking on the water toward them. To calm them Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid, take courage I am here.  Then in an attempt to verify himself, Jesus encourages Peter to join Him by saying, “Yes, come.”  So, Peter begins walking toward Jesus on the water, full of confidence.  Then he looks around at the strong waves and wind taking his eyes off Jesus and he begins to sink.  In desperation, Peter cries out to which Jesus immediately grabs him and rescues Him. To which Jesus responds, “You have little faith, why did you doubt.”

Now, you may be wondering why such a passage was so extraordinarily powerful to me. It’s quite simple actually; the black words are laced with fear, while the red words are full of confidence.  Jesus called me out.  Like Peter I could do nothing on my own but worry, but when I trusted Jesus He took care of the uncertainty.  Speaking from experience Jesus is in the business of rescuing souls and then using them in ways no one ever could imagine, but Him of course.
May our lives, modeled after Jesus’ red words, be extraordinarily powerful to those who witness it.


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