Monday, May 19, 2014

Bacon On Monday


Make sure your exit strategy for eternity is undersigned by Jesus.

Just a little while ago, my family and I flew into Texas for my son’s graduation weekend.  It was there at the hotel check-in counter I had an epiphany.  As the manager handed my credit card back to me she made mention of complimentary breakfast and  then she uttered this celestial announcement:  Bacon on Monday

The words hung in the air like I had just won the lottery.    Who doesn’t love bacon, especially the free kind, and nothing would be better on our last day before a long flight home to Pennsylvania.

Needless to say, the Bacon on Monday was alright, but in many ways it sounded better than it actually tasted.   It got me to thinking though that so many of us are living our lives, me included,  like how we make and eat bacon, leaving a greasy mess.  Many of my relationships, and how I do things when I do my own thing, leave a lot to be desired.  Consequently, I have left a lot of smudges.

Come to think of it, so many of us are so set on doing our own thing and when we get what we want, like that bacon, we are disappointed.  Simply put, heaven is better than anything we can come up with on our best day, even bacon.

Here is my exit strategy on how to live life, while trying to avoid the smell of the bacon, better known as the cares of this life:

Pursue Jesus so closely that you have to hang on to His shirt tail, so that all you can see is His light.  Similar to when I take off my glasses and wander down the halls at work , while I  just keep following the florescent lights overhead.  It never fails; I always end up at one of those bright orange exit signs leading me to the way out.

Truth be told, no one gets out of this life alive: we all die.  Therefore, we all should have an exit strategy when it comes to death, so as to make the most of each precious day we have.

Meeting Jesus is so much better than Bacon on Monday; you’ll forget it was even an option.



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