Friday, August 22, 2014

Whisper Loudly

The world’s best offer doesn’t need the world’s best salesman to validate it. 

Who or what should matter most in my life?  The answer I came up with is one word and five letters long: JESUS.  Now, I’m not attempting to be deeply religious here, because that would be an epic failure.  However, it is often been said it is not what you know, but who you know.

Here are few examples.

Once I was talking to a friend of the family who had just under gone life threatening surgery.  As they wheeled my friend away on a gurney to the operating room the only word she uttered was JESUS.  It was a very simple approach, but a very effective one.  Since she was a believer, no matter the outcome it’s was a win-win.

Another time I was killing bugs at an elderly lady’s house. As I was walking by a cluttered desk  in her pantry I saw these words:  Only what’s done for Christ will last.  That profound message that I read some ten years ago still whispers loudly to my soul today.

Lastly, there’s the story about the renowned author and Holocaust survivor, Corrie Ten Boom.  At her funeral, she gave specific instructions to the pastor that he should not make any eloquent speeches about her life, but rather to speak about the love of Jesus. It was obvious from what I have read about Corrie that she loved Jesus more than anything else in the world.  Corrie Ten Boom’s life personified this verse from First Corinthians:  “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

Sadly at times, my life has been a pitiful example of Christ.  Nevertheless, it is a deep desire of mine to point some to Him, despite me.  I t always has been about Jesus anyway; even my brokenness can’t ruin that. 

Whisper Jesus loudly with your life and then get out of the way.


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