Saturday, February 14, 2015

Snowmen Melt

Image result for snowman face paper plate
“Some people are worth melting for.”  Olaf the snowman (from the movie Frozen)

Just a quick heads up, if you are looking for a light read, this is not it.  In our time together I am going to discuss dying and how much our existence can be compared to that of a snowman that over time melts.  In essence we are nothing more than snowmen, which by design are not built to last.  Simply put they are created for the personal pleasure of their Creator.

So, before I elaborate more on the fate of (snow) men, allow me to list the key ingredients it takes to build a proper snowman:

-Three round snowballs consisting of large one for the base, a medium one for the middle and a smaller one for the top
-About seven round stones or pieces of coal to form a mouth 

-Two buttons for the eyes

-Orange carrot for the nose 

-Winter hat or top hat

Now, allow me to elaborate more on the inevitable.  “One small fact; you are going to die.  Despite every effort, no one lives forever.” This quote from the movie, The Book Thief, is an accurate assessment.   Another way to put it is, we are nothing more than pawns.  Standing in a hospital parking lot during one of the most profound periods of my life a friend wisely spoke this sentiment to me.   Strangely it was encouraging when he reminded me of my temporary state. Subsequently, he could have interchanged snowmen instead of pawns and made the same point.
So, while we as snowmen are here, “all living,” as Frosty once said, we have two choices as far as I can see it. Either we can empty ourselves of all but love on others or keep that love to ourselves.  Whichever way we choose to live, in the end we all melt.  So, we can choose to be mean to fellow snowmen, i.e. our fellow human beings, which is a lousy way to exist.  Or rather we can be like Olaf the snowman, and find as many people as possible who are worth melting for, while we got the time.

Being a snowman is what it is.  There is no fountain of youth and no snow that never melts, at least not here on Earth.   However, my hope is placed in Jesus, when he said, if I go and prepare a place for you’ I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am you may be also.  My interpretation, reading in between the lines a little, is that it is a place where the snow never melts and that place is Heaven.

Although it may be true that snowmen melt, I have determined in my life to smile till I melt and my carrot falls off my face.



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