Friday, May 8, 2015

Stop & Think

Image result for red stop light
Some things in life have questions without tangible answers.

Here are two questions that make we stop and think: 1-What happens when you die?  2- What makes some people hurt others?

First, what happens when you die?  
Tricky question to answer in a way. My answer cannot be proven to you beyond a shadow of a visual doubt. All I can tell you is no one can show you all the seen evidence you might want.  This is a matter of faith.  Faith in a unseen God who sent His visible Son, Jesus, down from Heaven to save our very souls.

Some doubt God exists, some doubt Jesus was God in human form, some believe this is a personal matter to be left alone.  While many people believe other various actions will grant them entrance into Heaven. Some just hope that they are doing enough.

The truth is one day we will find out when we meet our Maker, unless you are atheist and then you just fade away.  I bring up this question not to argue, but I believe Jesus is the only answer.  It’s just like He said, I am the way, the truth and the life and In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you.  Not to mention the Bible says that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever and in Him I have guaranteed hope. However, without God in the equation there is always doubt, hopelessness and fear involved.

Second, what makes some people hurt others

When I see harm being done from one person to another, it often seems to me to be fueled by anger and uncertainty.  It can be a parent who withholds his love but pours out his anger on his child. There are children who steal and commit crimes citing they were neglected or abused.  Then there are others who are just disgruntled that life has done them wrong as they lash out almost randomly at whoever annoys them.  The list goes on and on, often turning them into victims and paralyzing them emotionally while inciting their anger at others.
In all our lives, we have either been hurt or else harmed someone ruthlessly. It has been said that hate is just frustrated love.  Often we hurt others just because we don’t like something about them or they remind of us someone who irritates us or who even knows why.  Many times I think people are just too busy thinking about today to worry about other people’s feelings.

Again, I have no 100% answer to this problem, but God solved hate by giving and forgiving.  Easter and Christmas emphasize His intentions wholeheartedly. Thankfully, God showed us love, not the hate we often show those we get fed up with from time to time.

Stop and think about this: what happens next is already a certainty with God. 



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