Tuesday, November 10, 2015

More Red

Image result for red leaves

God, for whatever glorious reason, made some leaves red to keep our view from becoming mundane.

Every autumn the leaves change color.  But, lately I have found myself looking in particular for red leaves to make my fall complete.

Things that remind me of the color of red….

*    Red words in the Bible are the ones that Jesus spoke.  If ever in doubt and feeling lost, just read the red words in the Bible because anything that Jesus spoke carries the weight of eternal significance.

For years and to this day, I keep a red pen or marker on me as much as possible.  At first it was to remind me to pray for Lia when we only had faith that she would be a part of our family.  Now, it is just a habit, yet it still is a reminder that God keeps his promises.

Seeing red is a phrase that means you have allowed the emotion of anger to overtake and control you.  Often, in such a state, people cannot help but respond rashly and without mercy.  Lately, I have felt this way, with a personal situation I could not control, however getting angry in my book never solved any problem long term.

My fantasy football quarterback, and Cincinnati Bengal, Andy Dalton, has red hair.  This is a guy that people seemingly love to hate, because he has never won a playoff game.  However, he just keeps winning football games. The last I checked his team is still undefeated this year.

*  My son, and one of my daughter’s, favorite colors is red, as well as my favorite daughter-in -law.  My son, while he was young, once said that the reason that red was his favorite was that it was the color of Jesus’ blood. It doesn’t get more profound than that.

My point is that whatever color you like to look for, at least look for something bright.

May we live our lives in red, not in anger, but rather like the leaves that leave behind a sense of awe and wonder? 


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