Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Fade To Black

Be still and know that I am God- Psalm 46:10

This will be short, due to the fact that I am experiencing concussion-like symptoms. 

With that being said, I am trying to spend a lot of time without visual stimulation. These are some of the things I have been hearing and noticing lately when I fade to black….

1) DOGS BARKING.  My dog and others seem to do this incessantly when they want to be heard.  It may be annoying, but often is highly effective in getting our attention.

2) BIRDS SINGING.  This is my personal belief that in heaven there will be sounds like birds singing. It is quite relaxing and is an unspoken language of beauty.

3) THE WIND BLOWING.  Now, I know I can’t see the wind, but I see its effects. However, it has a unique sound, especially at night when it is quite soothing.

4) SILENCE.  Too often I just like to hear noise.  It is far better to be alone with God and hear Him speak and then be alone to mull over what He has spoken to me.

5) MOTORCYCLES AND VEHICLES.  Since I was a young boy, the sound of motorcycles and vehicles passing by fascinated me. From inside my house with the windows open, you can hear them coming and then going. It is just a surreal, calm sound of people going about life. 

6) TRAIN WHISTLES.  There is nothing like this sound because it commands your attention.  Not to mention, if the train is coming, it demands you to stop and wait for it to pass. 

So, that’s it. Simply listening is a skill set we all should invest much more time in than we do.

Every now and then, just close your eyes, fade to black, and just listen.

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