Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Please Wait

The person who said that patience was a virtue, must have been delusional.
I promise this will be brief.

Due to life being so busy, this was not the article I planned to write.  However, we all must wait sometimes in life for what we really want.

Here are some personal occurrences where I recently had to wait:

*I had to wait at traffic lights for the red to turn to green, so I could get to work on time.

*I had to wait for the coffee maker to brew the coffee, so I could run out the door to go to work.

*I had to watch the PLEASE WAIT sign on my handheld computer, for minutes on end, while my work schedule synchronized itself.

*I had to wait on the phone when I called a company to see why they didn’t do what they promised to do.

*I had to wait to order meat at the deli counter, which I rarely do anymore because it takes so long.

So, what is it about waiting in life that most of us hate so much?

Maybe, it is the perceived rejection that if we have to wait we have failed. Or just the plain fact that we think doing something is an accomplishment.
The Bible says we should wait on the Lord.  Which makes sense, because as I get older I am realizing that often it is what we learn in the waiting that enables us to be successful. 

Please wait is just a common occurrence that allows us to ease up on micromanaging life so much.


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