Monday, July 23, 2012

Under my Hat

Perception seldom lives up to reality. Case in point, take the Great Wall in China, where we visited a month ago and consequentially bought a hat to prove I had actually been there.

Here’s the perception. If you have never been to the Great Wall in China, my guess is your own experience would have been a lot like this. One night, you probably couldn’t find anything else better to watch on TV and were flipping through the channels when you happened upon PBS or the History channel. Then suddenly you were allured by peaceful music that was accompanied by a scenic, breathtaking, overhead IMAX view of something you couldn’t quite put your finger. To further lure you in, you heard the soothing voice of Morgan Freeman or someone like him describing what your eyes and ears had been drawn into, like a moth to a flame. I’m just guessing here, but he probably said things like: What lies beneath you in all of its grandeur and beauty is one of the original Seven Wonders of the World. At one time, it had been rumored that the Wall could be viewed from the moon, albeit false, its true length is a staggering 5,500 miles long. The Great Wall, so simply, yet poignantly named has stood the test of elements and time. Effortlessly, this beautiful monument captivates the eyes and stimulates the imagination as it weaves its way throughout the ancient country side of China, like a thread in time, delicately bringing the past together with the present.

Here’s the reality. What I remember most about the Great Wall, besides the hat, is that the steps were incredibly steep. Hurt your lungs kind of steep. The steps at places were as high as your knee and then as high as your ankle and then somewhere in between. It was also painfully obvious that when the Chinese built the Wall they did not believe in landings. Had it not been for some flavored water I would have quit, but my nine year old daughter wanted to keep going, so up we went.

Obviously, the Great Wall wasn’t constructed to meet building codes because there was no rhyme or reason to how it was made. At some sections, there were holes in the wall for archers to shoot arrows at their enemies and strange enough now cool breezes flow through these openings. Many died to complete something they had no stake in, because it was forced on them. As I hiked it, I secretly feared I might succumb as well. Coming down it was akin to repelling down a cliff, sort of, while holding a weather beaten, rusty rail. My favorite memory, however, was climbing with my daughter, Sianna, up a tower that was attached to the Wall.

So, here’s where I’m going with this. Reality seldom meets up with perception. It’s cool to say that you climbed the Great Wall, but my experience tells me I could have lived without it and trusted the voiceover guy to fill me in on the details. However, so far as I’m concerned, I have a bunch of cool pictures. And did I mention I have a hat.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

True or False

Am I a follower of Jesus? This is a question I try to answer with my life every day.

The aforementioned question was the subject of a book I was reading while in China called NOT A FAN, by Kyle Idleman. It was my airplane book that I couldn’t put down. The author was trying to make the distinction between being a commited follower of Jesus or just a casual fan who treats Jesus... as an consultant whose advice he can leave or take.

This book really go me to thinking because I believe following Jesus is a true or false question, an in or out proposition, not a maybe option. I believe a prerequisite of following God is that faith is included in the process and where there is faith, there are stories.

If I didn’t mention it before our journey to Lia was total faith, so much so that Amy and I chose Faith to be her middle name, which she hasn’t quite warmed up to yet. Following God through faith led us to China and ultimately to our third daughter. My wife and I had to have faith during our journey to Lia and especially when we were in China to get her. There were times in China when without faith in God to come through for us, we would have been lost, failed terribly, or been dead.

So, I want to take this opportunity to clarify that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit deserve all the credit for our journey to Lia. We deserve none, we were just simply following.  


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking News

Yesterday, I had some breaking news. I learned something through a minor inconvenience that occurred in my life. A pair of my pants had a wardrobe malfunction at work; my zipper broke. So, I did what I believed MacGyver would have done, had he been me with my limited repair skills, and used several paper clips to temporarily solve the problem. However, I didn’t learn anything of value form that, ...except buy better made pants.

This is what I learned: my life is really good. Funny thing is by the time I got home I had forgotten all about my dilemma and began to play outside with my wife and kids. I began to kick the soccer ball with Lia and watch Sianna walk around in “moon shoes” and was really just enjoying life.

This reminded me of an old episode of Mad About You on which the Seinfeld character, Kramer was guest appearing. He was giving relationship advice to Paul Reiser, the main character in the show. Kramer asked Paul about his wife. “Do you love her? Does she love you? Do you have three pairs of pants?” Paul said yes to all three and Kramer said, “there you go.”

So, I applied this logic to my life yesterday. Do I love my wife and kids? Do they love me? Do I still have three pairs of pants? So, there I go with a resounding yes to all three, my life is really good.


--From July 8th--

Thanks to my wife we stayed cool yesterday. at least for a few hours. Amy had the brilliant idea to go bowling instead of hang out in our house that gets hotter than Hector. It was a great time for all us Swavels as we laughed, bowled and then played in the arcade. We even saw a Johnny Cash video followed by Bon Jovi and Twisted Sister. I know, strange combo to be showing on a bowling alley TV....

 However, everytime I bowl I am pleasantly reminded of my friend, Dave Sampayo. Why? Well, years ago he diagnosed me with a tendency to bowl like Fred Flintstone and was afraid my wrist might snap off if I didn't change my bowling style. So, he bought me bowling shoes, gave me his old bowl redrilled to fit my hand, a new bowling bag and some bowling lessons. Now, although I am not a great bowler I do not inflict damage to myself.

 Dave taught me a great lesson. Instead of walking a mile in my shoes, he gave me shoes and a bowling ball that remind me of his kindness each time I step on a bowling lane.



--From July 5th--
About a week ago, I had an epiphiany. Strange enough, it happened while I was waiting for an order at a Pizza Hut in China. It had been a crazy day and I just paused long enough to catch my breath and listen to the background music. The speakers were playing the old tune, "someone to watch over me."

It struck me how appropiate this song has been for me and my family in the past few weeks. Now you can call me crazy, but I don't think it was mere coincidence my family and I went halfway around the world unscathed. I will give that credit to God who not only planned the trip but protected us as He always does. Even since we've been home He has let it be known that without His care we would be in big trouble.

 To me, John 15:5 best sums up how I am feeling tonight, ".....Without God I can do nothing...


Happy 4th

--From July 4th--

Two thoughts come to mind on this 4th of July:
 1- We live in a free country. Let that soak in for a minute................... Just recently my family and I came back from another country and you can only imagine how good we have it here. We have it sooo good here in the good old USA. My daughter, Sianna, best summed this up in China by saying that she couldn't wait to get home and kiss her bed.... I couldn't agree more with that sentiment.

 2-People died so we can have that freedom. Since, I will probably never get the chance to do the same, I believe the best way to honor those who have given their lives on our behalf is to live a thankful life for what I do have. Then, be willing to give my life up for that right if the opportunity does present itself.

 I will leave you with this quote from Revolutionary War hero, Nathan Hale, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.


Brailling Uno

--From July 3rd--
Just another day of adjusting back to real life. I learned today how hard it is braille a set of UNO cards. Still not finished because I goofed up the red #'s and didn't even know it because brailling is like needle point. You can't see what you are doing till you are done because you must punch the dots from the backside. On top of that you must do your brailling backwards, so the wrting on the front side of the card comes out in order. Confusing I know, but it makes sense to Lia when she reads it, so when I get it finished it will be worth it. 

 Got to thinking today that life is a lot like brailling. So often we are frustrated becasue life doesn't seem to be going the way we would like. But, If we let God do His brailling in our lives I believe in the end it will make sense. Till then I will just keep brailling UNO cards till I get it right.


Worth It

--From July 1st--
Got home last night about 5 pm and still trying shake off the jetlag. Thank you to all for your prayers and for all helped in our journey. It was a trip as my wife said before that was well worth it.


All Systems Go

--From June 30th--
Just got a call (4 am). All systems GO. Hope to back in States today. Thank you Lord for being in control.



--From June 29th--
If I had to write an ending to our trip to get Lia it would not be this: our flight may be postponed by a typhoon that is heading toward Hong Kong. No, I'm not kidding. But why not bring it on.
It seems to be par for the course for us Swavels. Hopefully and prayerfully the typhoon will not delay us and the next you'll hear from us we'll be home. If not, I'll be posting tomorrow from the other side of the world.



--From June 28th--
Many years ago, my eldest daughter and I would watch the movie Tarzan together and my favorite part of the movie was when Jane would say to Tarzan, while on a tree limb, in a British accent, “Oh I see.’’

The other night while I was out hunting and gathering for supper (looking for Mcdonald’s) for my family in a busy China city it came to me, finally I see. Well, at least I see better. I see we... are exactly where God wants us, out of our comfort zone and that we have adopted a whirlwind.

Many have asked about Lia’s limited vision and to tell you the truth we are still not exactly sure what entirely she can and cannot see. This I know for a fact, it does not hinder her in her daily life. When you meet her, the first thing you will notice is her energy, which we are trying to harness. She can dress herself, brush her teeth, do her own hair, count money, and she can sing directly into a florescent light. She also sings a mean karaoke version of Phil Collin's song, “You'll Be in my Heart.”

Now what does all this mean? I’m not exactly sure I know, but here’s my best shot.
I can't see what the the future holds, but God does, so I will walk close behind Him.

One of Those Days

--From June 27th--
Been one of those days. You know the kind when we are learning to adjust to one another. Just can't wait to get home and not have to worry about whether the ice in my soda will make me sick or not.

The highlight of the day had to be getting Lia her first happy meal from McDonald's and Sianna getting chicken nuggets. I know it sounds strange, but I've about had it with fast food. Please continue to pray for grace as our family grows here on the other side of the world.


Lessons from a Chinese swimming pool

--From June 26th--
-Just keep swimming. Today I took my 2 daughters, Sianna and Lia to the pool at our hotel. Sianna was swimming away on her own and I was guiding Lia who was using floaties to keep her upright. One thing Lia has going for her is definitely her persistence, like Dori, in the movie Nemo, she just keeps swimming.

- Keep your mouth shut. First off, it keeps you from swallowing water and second, it keeps you from getting into trouble. Lia found out first hand about both of these truths today in the pool.

- Walls are a pain. While Sianna was doing laps, Lia and I were going around the square pool and we kept bumping into the walls. It was getting annoying, but it helped me to realize that walls are there for a purpose. It reminded me of the walls my family and I faced during Lia's adoption. They may have been a pain, but they didn't stop us from following God on our adventure to get Lia.

- Don't ask why so much. I could elaborate on this, but obviously our new daughter likes to ask 'why?' a lot. I don't blame her, we are new to her and her whole life is in flux. There was a time when I used to ask God 'why?' a lot and all it did was give me a headache, so I stopped.

- I cannot walk on water. However, Jesus can and when He calls you out, you better follow. Strange, but while I was in the pool I began to think about this whole journey to adopt Lia and about how there has been one miracle after the other. Jesus continually called us to follow Him even when the waves crashed around us and we began to wonder if it could ever happen. I am so glad that I serve a God who still does the impossible.


Tarmac, Translation, Transition

--From June 25th--
Here are a few thoughts, I've been meaning to share with you, about our 2 hour plane trip in China on Friday, that turned into more like 6. It can best be summed up in 3 words: TARMAC, TRANSLATION, TRANSITION.

TARMAC- We started out Friday morning fairly normal and got to the airport with time to spare. Then at about noon when we were supposed to board everything came to a halt. We were delayed i...n boarding and when we got on the plane we just sat there on the tarmac and they served us airplane food for lunch. Not a good sign. All in all we sat there for over 3 hours. Ugh! A voice came over the intercom telling us that the air traffic controllers were denying the plane access to fly. Turned out there was thunderstorms.

TRANSLATION- The week leading up to the flight I had been thoroughly frustrated by the language barrier I had expereince in China already. I guess I shouldn't be surprised most people speak Chinese here and not English, but I guess I'm just spoiled. The best way I found to communicate was the point, flail and wave money method. However, on the plane at the end of the flight I had an English conversation with a Chinese man who was translating questions from a female Chinese passenger. He asked about the girls and their ages and then asked about my son as well. He ended our conversation by stating simply, "you have happy family."

TRANSITION- This whole trip has been about making a transition, but Friday seemed to sum it up so well. Hurry up to get somewhere and then wait on a plane while we heard some British narrator tell us about endangered white rhinos in some remote part of Africa on the inflight tv. Somewhere during that frustrating trip we were all learning a little patience. Not to mention how to expand as a family. Then there is Lia, who you can please pray will learn to embrace us as her family. The poor girl has lost everything she has ever known for 8 and 1/2 years and now has a brand new adventure ahead of her. But, as my neighbor Kass told me "God hasn't brought you this far to let you down now." So, I guess we just stay buckled in, enjoy the flight and wait for a safe landing.


--From June 24th--
Due to techinical difficulties, this is my first post in a while. So here are 3 things I just discovered that I find utterly fascinating.
1- KFC is hugely popular over here in China. However, if you are a tourist and try to order off the menu, best of luck to you. Because it will freak them out and then they will give you what they want anyway. Moreover, if you want to see people run away fro...m you, like you have the plague, try giving sodas away for free. it's a real hoot.

2- Today during a visit to a local folk art musuem I observed something very unique. Among the many extraordinary exhibits my daughter, Sianna, began to giggle and showed me a piece that was carved out of stone or pottery, believed to hundreds of years old, named "gods of peace and harmony". There was a man and woman beautifully dressed in traditional Chinese attire standing in front of a brilliantly ornate garden. The only problem was the man was missing his head, which had fallen off over time. Read into that however you want, but I just found it stinking hilarious.

3- Yesterday, my newest daughter, Lia, decided to style my hair. So, she got out some hair beadies and a hair brush and went to work. To make things interesting I started humming some haunted house theme music and then a Steven Curtis Chapman tune. She started laughing her head off. Funny how life even here far from home is more fun when you laugh about it.



--From June 21st--
Ok. I meant to type this sooner but I was trying to re-coup after our near death expereince my familly and I survived today. So this post will be short. I will simply give you the pros and cons of the day.

PROS- Lia had an awesome day showing us around the Bejing school for the blind and then taking us to Bethel where she spent most of her life. Bethel is especiallly awesome because a French ...couple who love God founded it to serve the least of these. There were many tears shed at Lia's farewell party, but overall an awesome time.

 CONS- Our driver for the day got us lost more times than I can remember, ran out off gas and then tried to kill us repeatedly by crossing lanes of traffic even Superman wouldn't have attempted to cross to rescue Lois Lane. The whole day was culminated by Amy and I both grabbing a daughter and running through stopped traffic when we were about 3 blocks from the hotel because we had just had enough.

Alrighty then, I will leave you with this thought I saw on a lady's handbag toady at the blind school.: "Walk by faith , not by sight" or my revision - "Ride by faith , not by sight." 



--From June 20th--
In honor of visiting Whoville yesterday and in honor of us getting ready to leave to visit the 2 places Lia grew up, I am going to quote Dr. Seuss:
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
... Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

 I will report our special day tonight when we get home.

2 quick random thoughts :
1-Why in hector is my bathroom mirror hot enough to fry and egg on yet it hasn't burned up our room and no one at the hotel seems to be bothered by it since I told them about it Monday?
2- If you could go back in time and live during Noah's time would you have gotten on the ark?

Remember God is the same, we just must change who we are and follow Him.


Comfort Zones

--From June 20th--
Just another day in our life outside of our comfort zone. Two things real quick:
1- We went to a park that looked like Whoville (kind of like Knoebels but not) and I discovered even over here in China I can confuse people. While trying to put my 2 daughters on the tractor ride the operator started frantically waving no and pointing and speaking Chinese. Frustrated I waved my back and couldn't get through to him. Just when I was about to give up, our kindly driver, Mr. Wong jumped up onto the platform, volunteered to ride with the girls and saved the day. Mr. Wong speaks only Chinese and I only English, yet what he did was such an excellent example of how actions speak louder than words.

2-Played an interesting game of Frogger in order to get supper tonight. There is a busy 10 lane or so intersection that seperates us from Subway and I thought I would give it whirl. Everyone here seems to do it without breaking a sweat , why not me. So, with much hesitation I studied the traffic patterns, then gave up and followed a guy who hap hazardardly made his way across in between a moped here and a bus there and a break in cars there. When I reached the other side as Sianna said later I should have Tebowed, but I was too busy thinking of getting Subway sandwiches. Once inside, after I was disappointed Chinese Subways don't make meatball subs I got ham, turkey and roast beef 6 inch sandwiches. After paying I scooted back across the intersection using the aforementioned shadowing technique and safely and eventually landed back at the hotel. Whew!!

Like I said before, Just another day. One last thought, I am so thankful that I serve a God that can cause man to walk on water and me to cross a crazy intersection on the other side of the world.


--From June 19th--
Just another ordinary day on the other side of the world. Took the family out to KFC. Normal you might say, think again. Here in China when you cross the street you are taking your life into your hands. If a car doesn't pose a problem, there is always a moped or bike or who knows what coming at you. However the Colonel's secret recipe in a bucket is well worth it.

Here on the other side of the world I am finding out that brokeness is more valuable in God's eyes than the appearance of having it all together. And for that I am quite thankful .



--From June 18th--
What a crazy trip. Got Lia today. She is full of energy like she has expresso in her veins. Can't wait to get home. Pray for us all as we adjust.

It is so appropriate Lia's middle name is faith because this whole journey to her has been all about that. God doesn't force us to follow Him, but he so blesses us when we do. Today my family and I are quite blessed.
