Thursday, July 12, 2012

True or False

Am I a follower of Jesus? This is a question I try to answer with my life every day.

The aforementioned question was the subject of a book I was reading while in China called NOT A FAN, by Kyle Idleman. It was my airplane book that I couldn’t put down. The author was trying to make the distinction between being a commited follower of Jesus or just a casual fan who treats Jesus... as an consultant whose advice he can leave or take.

This book really go me to thinking because I believe following Jesus is a true or false question, an in or out proposition, not a maybe option. I believe a prerequisite of following God is that faith is included in the process and where there is faith, there are stories.

If I didn’t mention it before our journey to Lia was total faith, so much so that Amy and I chose Faith to be her middle name, which she hasn’t quite warmed up to yet. Following God through faith led us to China and ultimately to our third daughter. My wife and I had to have faith during our journey to Lia and especially when we were in China to get her. There were times in China when without faith in God to come through for us, we would have been lost, failed terribly, or been dead.

So, I want to take this opportunity to clarify that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit deserve all the credit for our journey to Lia. We deserve none, we were just simply following.  


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