Tuesday, July 10, 2012


--From July 8th--

Thanks to my wife we stayed cool yesterday. at least for a few hours. Amy had the brilliant idea to go bowling instead of hang out in our house that gets hotter than Hector. It was a great time for all us Swavels as we laughed, bowled and then played in the arcade. We even saw a Johnny Cash video followed by Bon Jovi and Twisted Sister. I know, strange combo to be showing on a bowling alley TV....

 However, everytime I bowl I am pleasantly reminded of my friend, Dave Sampayo. Why? Well, years ago he diagnosed me with a tendency to bowl like Fred Flintstone and was afraid my wrist might snap off if I didn't change my bowling style. So, he bought me bowling shoes, gave me his old bowl redrilled to fit my hand, a new bowling bag and some bowling lessons. Now, although I am not a great bowler I do not inflict damage to myself.

 Dave taught me a great lesson. Instead of walking a mile in my shoes, he gave me shoes and a bowling ball that remind me of his kindness each time I step on a bowling lane.


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