Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy 4th

--From July 4th--

Two thoughts come to mind on this 4th of July:
 1- We live in a free country. Let that soak in for a minute................... Just recently my family and I came back from another country and you can only imagine how good we have it here. We have it sooo good here in the good old USA. My daughter, Sianna, best summed this up in China by saying that she couldn't wait to get home and kiss her bed.... I couldn't agree more with that sentiment.

 2-People died so we can have that freedom. Since, I will probably never get the chance to do the same, I believe the best way to honor those who have given their lives on our behalf is to live a thankful life for what I do have. Then, be willing to give my life up for that right if the opportunity does present itself.

 I will leave you with this quote from Revolutionary War hero, Nathan Hale, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.


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