Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hardly Irrelevant

“Things that appear irrelevant yet work: moths have cocoons, bears have caves, and men have fantasy football”

The sitcom Seinfeld was supposedly a show about nothing, yet it captivated millions of viewers.  With that being said, I would like to make a case for fantasy football, which some understandably consider irrelevant.  In the process, I hope to pass along some tips to those who do not understand or grasp this phenomenon. Playing fantasy football, at least for me is my ultimate nothing box.  A place where I can go for a few minutes a day, while I take charge of an imaginary team and make moves no one questions. Not to mention, if my team loses one week I have no fear of being fired.

Before I go any further might I add a disclaimer: I do not condone or recommend that fantasy football should be placed in front of family time and or work around the house.  However, when done moderately can provide an excellent form of relaxation.

So, here are a few key phrases I believe can increase your fantasy football I .Q.

Tip#1: If you’re taking him, he must be a good pick.  By making this statement you will immediately get the attention and admiration of just about any man.  Speaking as a guy, men love approval rather than, my grandmother can pick better than you. 

Tip #2:  Adrian, Aaron or Drew.  If you are feeling brave and the subject of fantasy football comes up you can always drop one of these three names.  Adrian Peterson, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers are all can’t miss players and it validates you as someone that knows a little something about football.  When you pay attention to something men like, you are paying attention to them.

Tip #3: Always pick points.  The reason this works is because your answer is vague, yet empowering.  It shows you care without putting any strain on him to pick someone you might have normally otherwise suggested.  Simply put, you have put the ball in his court.

Tip#4: Put your hand on his shoulder.   My wife taught me this one. More than once while I was doing my Fantasy Football thing on the computer she has gently placed her hand on my shoulder.  Positive reinforcement instead of words can go a long way for men, at least for me.  This lets me know she doesn’t mind me doing something she doesn’t fully understand.  Instead of analyzing me she is accepting me for who I am.  Word of caution, only do this with a spouse or loved one, does not apply to strangers.

Tip#5: Are you’re doing that again?  My last piece of advice is to avoid saying the above-mentioned question.  I understand that this commonly used phrase can be warranted at times.  But, I believe,“ hey honey would you like to watch something together in  few minutes says the same thing without all the angst.” There have been times in the past where I had become too obsessed with being a coach of an imaginary team and needed to come back to reality.

Directly below is a YouTube clip I watched right before I went to my fantasy football draft last Saturday. It is a story entitled “Mr. Irrelevant” that provides some real perspective and few tears as well.  Double click below and enjoy.


 The story of John Tuggle's battle against cancer and how he affected his Hall of Fame coach Bill Parcells and his New York Giant teammates is one that should give us pause.  Like Coach Parcells said, “some attributes you just can’t see.”  Often things that seem irrelevant take on a form of relevance if we do them with fervor and a good attitude.  Like John Tuggle it matters how we do life.

Relevance in life is most often measured not in what you are doing, but in how you are doing it.


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