Monday, October 14, 2013

Illegal Formation

When making a point it is always best to be clear, say little and when appropriate use hand gestures.

Football can apply to everyday life and no better way to exemplify this than though penalties that referees call every Sunday through hand signals.

A safety occurs when a team is tackled in their own end zone resulting awarding the team doing the tackling two points.  The referee signifies this by putting his palms together above his head, like a triangle. As a father keeping the family safe should be our number one priority.  It is a foregone conclusion that a dad must provide a safe environment.
This is call is made when one player hinders the ability of another player to move freely . Usually this occurs by grabbing and clinging to the opponent and on occasion throwing him to the ground. The referee signifies this call by grasping his wrist just below his clenched fist, directly in front of his chest. In real life it is nice to be held by others and in turn do the same to others that you love.  In essence, it is necessary to show others you love them by squeezing them.
This is when the game clock is stopped to give a team a chance to make a call or slow up the game and re-group.  The referee signifies this call by crisscrossing his hands above his head, like in an x pattern.  Everybody needs a timeout whether you are a child or an adult.  It provides a moment to reflect and find some peace and quiet and get your act together.

This is a reckless action such as face masking an opponent, helmet to helmet contact, hitting an opponent late or tackling them out of bounds.  This is often referred to as a cheap shot. The referee signifies this call with one wrist striking the other above his head. Sometimes this is followed by an ejection and on occasion a fine from the league depending on the severity of the blow or incident.  Often in life it is easy to commit a personal foul especially around those we love or are around the most.  This often occurs when emotions run high and we allow our feelings to bubble up to the surface. On one such occasion, while in junior high school, I hit a friend with a monopoly board on the head.  Accordingly, my mom penalized me and banished me to the den for an hour.
For strategic purposes often a football team will not accept the penalty and take the result of the play instead.  The referee signifies this penalty by waving his hands directly in front of him in a horizontal plane. In life, there is no better call than to forgive someone who has wronged you. This does not mean you become a door mat, but rather you release yourself from harboring ill feeling against you fellow man.  Jesus summed it up best, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

This occurs when a player on either team grows impatient and jumps across the line of scrimmage creating an unfair advantage.  The referee signifies this infraction by placing both hands on his hips.  When it comes to life how often do we all get impatient and tired of waiting either on God or for a situation to clear up and make it worse by taking matters in to our own hands.  Life is all about the timing and often instead of a quick remark I should be quick to pray and let God deal with it while I stay on the correct side of the line.
A first down occurs when the offense cross the first down marker, which is ten yards away from the line of scrimmage, giving the offense a fresh set of downs.  The referee signals this by adamantly pointing his arm toward the defensive team’s goal and saying first down.  In life we gain more first downs than touchdowns.  Such as saying and doing nice things for our family and friends.  Doing stuff around the house, taking the time to read to your kids or play ball with them in the yard, etc.   Remember,  in the end often first downs result in touchdowns.

This occurs when one opponent tries to prohibit the other player’s right to run a route or catch a pass. The referee signifies this with two open hands extended forward from his shoulders, like he were two hand touching someone.  For some strange reason, at one time or another, we all seem to gain some pleasure by making others’ lives more difficult than they need to be, instead of offering to help.  Rather than putting others down or making them feel lesser than us we should strive to lift them up.  It has been said, some people are a blessing when they visit and others are a blessing when they leave.

This is the most exciting play in football and is when a player crosses the end zone line and scores six points for his team.  The referee signifies this by raising both hands straight up in the air like he is trying to touch the ceiling.  In real life, at least for me, a touchdown is marrying your best friend, seeing your kids embrace your values, denying yourself and taking up your cross, and helping those who can’t help themselves.  Good stuff that matters long term with eternal significance.  
This occurs when the football is snapped with less than seven players on the line of scrimmage.  The referee signifies this by rolling his  hands over one another in front of his body.  My youngest daughter got me to thinking about this infraction the other day when out of the blue she started yelling “Illegal formation” along with doing the accompanying hand signal. I used to think this was a dumb rule, however even in sports there need to be a semblance of order. I once heard this quote, “there is no right way to do wrong”, no matter the intended outcome.

The best signals we can show our fellow man is that we care deeply about them and that they are worth our time.


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