Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So Easily

Personal perception is simply not reality; it is rather what we believe to be true.

Pervading thought that so many of us live by: just leave me alone.

As I see it, most of us love comfort and what makes us happy.  Sadly, I think at least for me, most of my likes are just personal perceptions of what I want reality to be in my own little world.  We perceive, we believe, we want it to be, so we think it is.  When in reality, facts don’t change because we would like them to do so.


-That bridges freeze before road surfaces. Who hasn’t laughed at this sign in the dead of summer?  Yet, this January in thirty some degree weather, black ice took me and my truck off a road narrowly missing the  bridge that I was driving on, as I consequently wiped out an innocent mailbox.  The fact is ice does not care if you are in a hurry or not.

-The things we promise to others.  For whatever reason, I have seen an uptick in this during the past few years. Young people in particular will say they will do something, unless something else better comes along.  The principle I was taught growing up was this - if you give your word, keep it…

-To stay focused.  We live in an ADHD world where it is optional to pay attention.  Subsequently, we make excuses for people’s poor behavior.  This I believe, in many cases allows people to do their own thing, often resulting in a detrimental outcome for them.

-To get what we came for in the grocery store.  This is a personal problem I struggle with each time I go to the grocery store alone. My only answer is to go with a shopping buddy.  I guess the merchandising geniuses are right when then set out to get you in the store for a free item and your cart ends up with stuff like ice cream and peanuts…

-To tell the ones we care about that we love them.  People know that we love them, why bother telling them.  If I had a dollar for every time I heard that load of horse manure, I‘d be a billionaire. If you love somebody leave no doubt, so that when you are dead and gone no one will even be able argue the point.

-To not be such a jerk.  Before I hit the black ice I was frustrated with the driver in front of me for driving so slow.  Truth is they were right and I was the jerk.

-To realize we were never really in control in the first place. Think about this one for a brief moment.  I mean really think about it.  You can prepare yourself for the day, but so much stuff happens that you can’t micromanage it all; no matter how hard you try.

-God does what He pleases. If you don’t believe in God, you have the choice to do what you want with your life. However, as a follower of God I have the privilege and need to follow Him wherever He leads. 
As far as I am concerned, anyone with a resume like created the world in 6 days and gave His only Son for me that I might live eternally with Him is good enough for me.  But, you can always choose to be left alone, to do what you think is best.

Human beings are creatures of habit, which even the best of men so easily succumb to more than not.


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