Sunday, March 20, 2016

Smooth Stones


What we gather over time, we carry around with us.

Mighty things often come in small packages.

Take the classic story of David and Goliath.  Historically, we are taught that the shepherd boy, David, had the disadvantage because he was younger, smaller, and only carried a slingshot with a pouch of five smooth stones to battle with him. Goliath, on the other hand, held the advantage because he was bigger, battle tested, and wielded a spear while being covered in armor.

That was what I used to think, but after reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book, David and Goliath, I now think different.  According to Gladwell, a New Times best-selling author, David’s slingshot had the potency of a small handgun when used correctly.   And Goliath, quite possibly because of his extraordinary height, most likely had vision troubles, which in turn made him a sitting duck. Not to mention, Goliath was used to hand to hand fighting, where David had no intention of engaging that closely with the giant.

The one time shepherd boy selected to go with the strategy that would ensure him the best chance to succeed.  He made the most of his opportunity by defeating the giant when he hit him square between the eyes, needing only one small, well placed stone. 

That leads me back to the five smooth stones David carried in his pouch.  In my experience, as a bug killer, I run into many people who have decorative polished stones with catch phrases printed on them, like live, laugh love.

With that being said what stones do we carry around with us?  That’s to say, if I had to pick five smooth stones I think they should be ones like: kindness, grace, courage, mercy, and peace.  Instead, many of us carry jagged stones in our pouches, like anger, bitterness, revenge, hate, and jealousy.

If we really thought about it, far too often, instead of being ready to compliment others we are carrying around ammunition.  Get them before they get us. If only we thought about what we said instead of being so reckless, I think so much more good could come of the stones we carry. 

Better to polish your stones smooth and encourage others, then rough them up and cut others down with them.  The choice is ours.


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