Saturday, February 18, 2017

Being Unavaiable

Image result for out to lunch sign

So often the problem is because of us, and our perceived hang-ups, not the problem itself.

Today I had a revelation- I am not nearly as available to God as I should be.

As I sit in my warm cozy kitchen, on this snowy day in February, I am making phone calls to my pest control customers.  I tell them that due to the snowy conditions, I won’t be out today.  Often, no one answers the phone.  Then, in my best professional voice, I recommend that they call the office at their convenience and reschedule.

The next and final thing is to record that information into my hand held computer for posterity.  It is a big hassle then takes a few minutes, but the last step is when I get to the customer’s signature page in which I sign in big letters- UNAVAILABLE. 

It was then that I had my revelation.  How many time am I unavailable?  Hmmmm, I wonder how many days, that if God had a hand held computer He would be signing my name UNAVAILABLE as well.  

This coming up week I am preparing to teach my Sunday school class about the fiery furnace, the story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.   Those guys were most certainly available.  They were held captive in a foreign land, and to make long story short, were put in a no win situation. When the trumpet blew, the king had made a rule that all bow down or else be thrown into a blazing fire and die a horrible death.  

Most of us, me included, would have tried to figure a way out.  Just take one knee, or crouch, or something to fake it, like we were going along, but not really go along.  It is in layman’s terms-  the old half way solution to the problem.   Not those three young men.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego simple choose to stay on God’s side. It sounds as if they never really made a decision.  They just stayed true to the One and only living God. 

Yes, they got tossed in a furnace so hot they should have been incinerated instantly.  However, they did not burn up, but rather God sent and angelic being to be with them.  Of course, they also got released and the King changed his stance on God.  But, all they really did was be available.

The life lesson is simple.  When trouble comes be found on God’s side. And well, whatever happens after that, merely let the chips fall as they may. 

To become available to God all you have to do is remove the UN.


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