Sunday, December 15, 2013

DIAL it in



At the end of every day we should ask ourselves this question:  Did I Always Love?  

It was sometime around Thanksgiving when I looked at a DIAL ® soap dispenser while washing my hands and had an epiphany .   For some odd reason it hit me like a ton of bricks, the acronym, Did I Always Love?  Sadly, I fail at this more times than not.

Especially at Christmas time, this is a question we should all be asking ourselves.  Rather than what should I be getting or can I get the right gift so I can make myself look good. At least personally, sometimes I forget that love requires I engage with others rather than just run around buying things for them. 

During this festive holiday season, every time we see a bar or dispenser of DIAL ®soap may we be reminded to love.  The message of Christmas is simple: God loves us and He sent his Son as a gift to prove it. 

May we all be inspired by Jesus’ short life, from cradle to the grave, that easily answers the DIAL ® question with a resounding YES.

“People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love” Nelson Mandela



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