Monday, April 14, 2014

Whoa Moments

Some moments in life can only be summed up by the one single word; and that word is whoa.

Whoa moments come in both big and small sizes.  Here are some of mine, in no particular order….

Whoa is what I thought when I saw my best friend coming down the aisle to marry me.

Whoa is how it feels when a vehicle breaks down or an appliance dies and we hardly have enough money to fix it.

Whoa is what I felt like when I first held all my kids.

Whoa is the feeling that comes over me when I realize that my life has an expiration date, just like a carton of milk does.

Whoa is what my family tells me, sometimes quite often, when I do something they feel is a little inappropriate.

Whoa is what I say when a loved one or friend dies unexpectedly.

Whoa yeah is how I feel when my kids do something I knew they could do all along, but were afraid to try.

Whoa is what I feel like when I hear the birds singing before sunrise, as they gently remind me of what it must sound like in Heaven.

Whoa is how I feel after I kiss my wife goodbye in the morning before I leave for work. 

Whoa is what we all should do as a sincere gesture of respect when you see a funeral procession of cars coming in your general direction.

Whoa is what I thought when I  opened the lid of an organ bench at a yard sale to discover money inside meant  to help us adopt our youngest daughter.

Whoa is a word in a worship song that shows deep love and admiration for the God who knows our innermost secrets.

Whoa is what you say when God continues to convince grant agencies and a lot of other extraordinary people to empty their pockets to help you adopt your youngest daughter.

Whoa is the kind of living you should do outside the box (the casket), the only kind that will matter for all of eternity.

Whoa is how the faith of my wife and I twice felt when we went half way around the world to China, when we adopted our two youngest daughters.

Whoa is the peace that comes when I place my hope in God, instead of waiting on myself to figure out life’s uncertainties.

Whoa is the kind of pride that will swell up inside of me when I see my son graduate from college in a month after many years of hard work.

Whoa is what I feel like when I realize that I am not worthy of the love Jesus displayed for me on the cross, when He gave his life for mine.

Whoa, not oh no, is what I expect to say when I see my Maker face to face.


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