Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Chasing Whales

Image result for heart of the sea

He who follows the wind ends up dizzy and more than not lost at sea.

This is the time of the year when many of us make resolutions to better ourselves. Simply put, a resolution is just an effort to try our hardest to change the things that annoy us about our lives. 

Sadly, I think we got this all wrong.  Instead of resolutions, gradual change is a better answer.  However, it seems more in vogue to resolve to do something or go all out till we gain our objective.

It reminds me of the infamous Captain Ahab who would stop at nothing to capture the illusive, enormous white whale, Moby Dick.  The outcome was a wasted life and one that ultimately resulted in his death.  Yet, as one who speaks from experience, I have chased a whale or two in my life as well. 

My biggest whale, that I chased for longer than I would like to admit, was the idea of writing a book.  At first I believe my intentions were rooted in sincerity and what I thought what God wanted me to do, but I just believe I got the cart in front of the horse.   But, as I have grown older, I realized it is fine to have dreams, but make sure they are designed by God. 

With all that said I have not given up the idea of writing a book someday, but God would have to do that, not me.  Till then I will continue to write blogs and be open to what God wants if He so chooses.

This however does not mean one cannot have a list.  And in my opinion it is not a bad idea to have aspirations, just not to go down with the ship if it doesn’t happen.

Here are some of my more realistic aspirations: 

·                - Empty myself of all but love on my wife
·                 -Be the best dad I can be to my kids
·                - Be a consistent directional arrow that points others to Jesus
·                 -Love my neighbor as myself
·                 -Smile more, not just with my mouth but with my words as well
·                 -Say thank you more and mean it

Now, that’s not to say I wouldn’t mind authoring a book that ends up on the top ten list of the USA TODAY.   But, you won’t find me wasting my life trying to harpoon that illusive beast.

Chasing whales is fine if you are a fisherman, but I believe God would rather us spend our time being fishers of men.


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