Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Rather Merry

 Image result for charlie brown christmas
The choice to be glad that one is alive is always ours, we just must simply make it.

Every Christmas season is the same.  We all rush about here and there trying to get ready for the big day.  In the process I often find myself left in a huff and sometimes a bit agitated.  

The remedy, at least my suggestion, is to make a new list.  Here it is…

·        - Make a real effort to be kind to everyone
·         -Smile more
·         -Take a deep breath and take in all the festive holiday aromas
·        - Look at more Christmas lights
·         -Be quick to forgive and quicker not to hold a grudge
·        - Think of each member of your family as a gift from God
·         -Listen to the song HOW MANY KINGS by the band DOWN HERE
·         -Embrace everyday as a chance to be better than yesterday
·         -Thank God for every breath you take, for none are truly guaranteed
·        - Make rather merry and enjoy this time of the year

I love the part in the famous Christmas movie, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, when Bob Crachitt tells Scrooge the reason he was late getting to work the day after Christmas.  His reply was simple- I was making rather merry

How many of us can be found guilty of such a sentiment.  Sadly, I believe not enough.  Yet, during this season may we all take a deep breath and reflect on why God sent His Son to live among us in such a humble way, as not to bother us, if we were not interested. 

Christmas is the time of year when God sends us a Christmas card by sending Jesus to save our very souls.  If God did write a card it would simply read this: I think the world of you, I hope you think the same of the gift I gave you…

May each and every Christmas find us with enough sense to throw caution to the wind and make rather merry.


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