Saturday, March 29, 2014

To Do


“Do or do not, there is no try.” - Yoda

Some images stay with you forever.  Like a gigantic fish encased in glass on a pier in Maryland does for me. Allow me to explain.

It was twenty five years ago when my wife and I were on our honeymoon in Ocean City, Maryland and I was still getting used to wearing a wedding ring.  We were walking on the boardwalk when we got to the end and there was this enormous, mounted  tiger shark staring at us.

This was no ordinary fish.  This tiger shark held the Maryland State Record weighing in at an incredible 1200 lbs.  Far more intriguing was the fact that the monstrous fish was caught on July 9th, 1983 off the shore of Ocean City by a woman from Buffalo, New York, named Grace Czerniak.  Someone who I believe would best resemble your favorite aunt. 

Nowhere, on the plaque next to the shark, does it mention any personal statement from the angler about the struggle that ensued once she hooked the massive shark.  Nor, the actual length of time the battle endured.  The only evidence that she had to prove that she had done what she set out to do was an impressively large fish in a glass box.

It took Thomas Edison an epic amount of effort till he succeeded and invented electricity.  It took Walt Disney twenty years and a whole lot of persistence till he could get the rights to make the movie, Mary Poppins.  And it took it great endurance for Grace Czerniak, a middle aged woman from Buffalo, to land a shark off the shore of Ocean City, Maryland.  After great effort the final result was success.

Another prime example of this kind of effort can apply to marriage.  I did not promise to try my best twenty five years ago on March 24th, 1989.  The vows I took to my wife were called I DO’sFor better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and health, till death do us part.  Now, that is something worth wearing a wedding ring for, which fits a lot tighter now, to remind me to do what I promised to do.

So, whether you are inventing something, taking on an exciting challenge, landing a shark or just loving your spouse always, seek to do it till you get it done.




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