Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brailling Uno

--From July 3rd--
Just another day of adjusting back to real life. I learned today how hard it is braille a set of UNO cards. Still not finished because I goofed up the red #'s and didn't even know it because brailling is like needle point. You can't see what you are doing till you are done because you must punch the dots from the backside. On top of that you must do your brailling backwards, so the wrting on the front side of the card comes out in order. Confusing I know, but it makes sense to Lia when she reads it, so when I get it finished it will be worth it. 

 Got to thinking today that life is a lot like brailling. So often we are frustrated becasue life doesn't seem to be going the way we would like. But, If we let God do His brailling in our lives I believe in the end it will make sense. Till then I will just keep brailling UNO cards till I get it right.


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